Leveraging Philanthropic Intermediaries to Unlock Philanthropic Capital and Boost Local Solutions in Africa

Sponsored by Myriad (formerly KBFUS) 

Learn about practical and cost-effective ways that African nonprofit organizations can receive tax-deductible donations from their donors in the U.S. through fiscal sponsorship, without incurring the expense and difficulty of setting up their own U.S.-based charities.
The key topics that will be covered in this session include:
  1. Removing barriers to fundraising to amplify local solutions in Africa.
  2. Fiscal sponsorship and how it works.
  3. The role and unique value of intermediaries like Myriad USA in building bridges between donors and foreign non-profits.
Join us to discover how intermediaries can help unlock philanthropic capital and enable local solutions to thrive in Africa.

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Kady Sylla

Kady Sylla

Director - Africa, Myriad USA (Formerly KBFUS) (Moderator)

Kady Sylla serves as Myriad USA’s Director – Africa. She oversees Myriad USA's partnerships with African nonprofits and donor relations, network-building, and programs. She brings a vital philanthropy and international development background and has dedicated her career to Africa’s social sector. Kady’s prior experience includes working with public and private institutions like USAID, Open Society Foundations (OSF), and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). Her passion for social justice and commitment to social impact in Africa is driven by her and her family’s experience of being forced to leave their native Guinea (West Africa) as refugees for settlement in New York.

Nasser Diallo

Nasser Diallo

Founder & CEO, Clinic+O

Nasser Diallo is the Founder & CEO of Clinic+O, a social enterprise that builds technology-enabled primary care solutions to eliminate barriers to accessing quality healthcare for marginalized communities in West Africa. Before starting Clinic+O, Nasser worked as a Public Policy Analyst at Facebook where he helped design programs that support digital literacy, prevent internet shutdowns and stimulate the growth of the digital economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Nasser has a BA from The George Washington University, and Master’s degrees from Oxford University (UK) and Sciences Po (France). He is passionate about using digital technology to develop practical, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions that will improve health and well-being for communities across West Africa.

Dr. Martin Russell

Dr. Martin Russell

Founder, Global Diaspora Insights

Martin completed his PhD at the UCD Clinton Institute where his research focused on the strategic engagement of diaspora media, diaspora philanthropy, and diaspora politics in shaping U.S. foreign policy in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. He is the founder of Global Diaspora Insights (GDI), which provides advisory, research, policy, and training on diaspora engagement. He was a visiting research fellow at the United Nations University in Maastricht and currently sits on the Advisory Board of Ireland Reaching Out. He is also an advisor at The Networking Institute (TNI). GDI and TNI have collaboratively worked in over 50 countries on diaspora engagement.

Dien Yuen

Dien Yuen

CEO, Daylight Advisors

As CEO and Co-founder of Daylight Advisors, Dien is working to maximize philanthropy’s potential for transforming lives by advancing the training, research, professionalization, and diversity of our sector. She also serves as lead faculty for philanthropy at the Wealth Management Institute (WMI) in Singapore.


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