Explore becoming an Impact and Innovation Forum (IIF) Event Partner
Customize your collaboration to maximize impact and visibility
About Event Partnerships
Event Partnerships offer tailored collaboration opportunities to enhance visibility and engagement through customized IIF event partnerships. These partnerships align with ADN’s strategic goals and create significant impact
Event Partner Benefits
Event partners enjoy enhanced visibility and promotional opportunities through tailored event collaborations
Customized visibility and promotional opportunities
Tailored event collaboration
Strategic alignment with ADN goals
What Event Partners Provide
As an event partner, your role includes active collaboration and support for event success
Collaborate on event planning and execution
Provide resources and support for event success
How to Become an Event Partner
1. Initial Contact: Complete the Event Partnership Interest Form.
2. Collaboration Call: Set up a call to discuss the details of the event collaboration.
3. Assessment: An internal meeting will be held with the ADN team to assess partnership value and capacity.
4. Finalization:Work with the ADN team to finalize event details and collaboration agreements.