Africa: Diaspora Remittances – How to Move Conversations from the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit into Action

African Diaspora Network and U.S. Department of State Host High-Level Lunch on Diaspora Remittances at U.S. – Africa Leaders Summit

Private Sector Partnerships Support the African and Diaspora Young Leaders Forum

USADF Authorizes $25,000 Investments for each of the African Diaspora Network’s 11 Award-Winning Entrepreneurs

77th United Nations General Assembly Side Event Spotlights African Diaspora Engagement in Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery

#ADIS20: Investors, Entrepreneurs Discuss African Investment in The Heart of Silicon Valley

Investors, entrepreneurs met in Silicon Valley to Discuss African Investment, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital

(VOA in Indonesian) – Investor Bertemu di Silicon Valley, Bahas Investasi Afrika

Kenya Leapfrogging on 4 SDGS- Building Bridges Between Silicon Savannah and Silicon Valley

Investors, Entrepreneurs Meet in Silicon Valley to Discuss African Investment